TYA Main Source of Income

Tigray Youth Association (TYA) sustains its operations and programs through various sources of income. Membership fees are collected from individuals who join the association, providing financial support and enabling them to benefit from TYA’s services. Action dividends, generated from investment activities or income-generating projects, contribute to TYA’s financial stability. Rental income from owned properties, such as office spaces or event venues, serves as an additional source of revenue. TYA also relies on support from private donors, who offer grants, sponsorships, or donations to further its mission. Fundraising events, including charity galas and community campaigns, are organized to generate financial contributions. Additionally, TYA may secure government grants or contracts to implement specific projects aligned with governmental priorities. By diversifying its income sources, TYA aims to ensure its financial sustainability and continue making a positive impact in the community.


TYA may collect membership fees from its members. These fees are typically paid by individuals who join the association to support its activities and benefit from its services. Membership fees can contribute to the financial sustainability of TYA and help cover administrative and operational expenses.

 TYA may generate income through action dividends. Action dividends are funds generated from investment activities or income-generating projects undertaken by TYA. These dividends can provide a sustainable source of income to support the association’s initiatives and programs.

 TYA may generate income by renting out properties it owns, such as office spaces or event venues. Rental income can contribute to the financial resources of TYA and provide a stable revenue stream.

TYA may receive financial support from private individuals, organizations, or companies who believe in and contribute to its mission. Private donors can provide grants, sponsorships, or donations to support TYA’s activities and projects.

TYA may organize fundraising events, such as charity galas, sports tournaments, or community campaigns. These events aim to generate financial support by soliciting donations, sponsorships, or participation fees from individuals, businesses, or organizations.