Our Programs

TYA aims to enhance youth involvement in social, economic, and political activities by increasing their representation in decision-making bodies, facilitating youth-led community projects, and organizing civic education and leadership workshops. Through youth councils and forums, TYA promotes volunteerism and community service, ensuring youth voices are heard and their potential realized.

Improve Reproductive Health and Wellbeing for Youth

TYA focuses on enhancing youth health and well-being by conducting awareness campaigns on sexual and reproductive health, providing access to health services and counseling, and implementing HIV/AIDS prevention programs. The organization also addresses mental health issues, promotes healthy lifestyles, and collaborates with health institutions to improve healthcare access for youth.

Cross cutting issue Strategic

TYA integrates cross-cutting issues into its programs by promoting gender equality, empowering young women, and advocating for the rights of marginalized and vulnerable youth groups. The organization addresses environmental sustainability through youth-led initiatives and fosters inclusivity and diversity in all its activities, ensuring a holistic approach to youth development.


Improve Livelihood and Economic Opportunities for Youth

To achieve financial independence for youth, TYA offers vocational training, access to microfinance, job placement services, and career counseling. The organization supports young entrepreneurs through business incubators and mentorship programs, advocates for youth-friendly labor policies, and fosters partnerships with the private sector to create sustainable job opportunities.


Improve Organizational Capacity and Sustainability of TYA

To ensure effective program delivery, TYA strengthens its internal capacity by developing comprehensive capacity-building plans, enhancing financial management, and establishing robust monitoring and evaluation systems. The organization fosters transparency, builds strategic partnerships, promotes innovation, and diversifies funding sources to sustain its programs.